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Empower organizations with cutting-edge AI solutions.

Expert training, strategic insights, and innovation through artificial intelligence.

Expert training, strategic insights, and innovation through artificial intelligence.

Meet Purple AI

“Welcome to Purple AI! Thank you for visiting. Let’s innovate together and redefine what’s possible for your business.”



Since the start of 2023, we have helped prompt 85+ different subjects.
Let us demonstrate the limitless potential of AI and how it can transform your business.

Don't take our word for it, see what others are saying:

Brooks has been extremely valuable with helping our company learn and implement AI/ChatGPT. While I consider myself pretty tech savvy, figuring out where to start and how to use AI was overwhelming. As I’ve learned through Brooks, so much of the power comes from how you communicate/prompt ChatGPT and that’s where he comes in. To maximize the use/impact of AI, it truly takes a professional that is deeply immersed in everything that is going on with AI to get the results you want.

Jacob SheehanCFO, Twin City Group

ChatGPT has transformed my work as a marketer, dramatically elevating the quality and efficiency of my work. Its enabled me to produce on-brand, compelling content at an unprecedented pace.

Chelsea ChungMarketing Director, Token Events

I was recently laid off and out of practice at looking for work. My minimal experience with chatgpt was simply recreational. Brooks sat down with me and showed me how chatgpt can help update my resume, make cover letters and prepare for an interview.

Now I use it every day to tutor me in new skills for work, find job postings, write a book, and it has also identified an allergen that has been plaguing me for years.

With chatgpt I’m more productive and creative. I truly feel empowered with the worlds strongest tool at my side.

J. C.Minneapolis, MN

Ready to leverage AI for your business?

Expert training, strategic insights, and innovation through artificial intelligence.